



2024-07-21 18:28:58 来源:网络


literary genre是什么意思??
literary genre 文学体裁*_🌧;文类🥀-*;文学类型例句1.Tongcheng School is one of the most famous literary genre in the Qing Dynasty.桐城派是清代最著名的文学流派之一🌻🙀-——*。2.a literary genre that reveals a characters thoughts and feeling by means of a long soliloquy.一种文体🪶————*,通过长长的独白展现还有呢?
genre意思是(文学😺🧵_|🕸🧿、艺术🐁⛳--🃏🎈、电影或音乐的) 体裁⚡️——🐩😽,类型🎈|_😷。genre😆-_🦉,英语单词😜😺|💐,主要用作为名词🌤_✨🌿,形容词🐪-🪁🐄。单词释义切记✨——|🎗🐯,这种方法意味着(尽管可能是错误的)同一个国家的不同电影之间会呈现一致性🎃-🪲,或基本的相似性🐵-🌙🐿。3🪀_🐯🌿、类型类型(genre)是一个法文词🎾_🥎🐉,是“种类”的意思🦕😤——|🐿🐙,根据形式和内容的模型对电影进行分类😙|-🦃。..


genre 英[ˈʒɒnrə]美['ʒɑnrə]n. 类型🌻_😶🃏;种类🌜😊|🦌🦛;体裁🦒🎈——🐦🐨;样式⛈_🪁;流派🎖|🌿;风俗画(Genre)人名🐐|-🦟🦔;法)让尔adj. 风俗画的🐏🐂|🤢;以日常情景为主题的更多释义>> [网络短语]genre 类型🐦-🤫,类型(艺术),亏格literary genre 文学流派🐊--🥊🧿,文学流派😼_🍂🧶,文学体裁genre approach 希望你能满意☀️🐣————🦋♥。
Therefore, as a literary genre, the romance proves itself to be a specimen for both the mutability and the continuity of a literary form.因此🌚🐦_🦄,作为一种文学体裁🌨|🦅,浪漫证明自己是一个对双方的可变性和文学形式的连续性标本🐝🦋_😳。Moreover, the study of the romance formula could offer an illu希望你能满意🐁-🦎🦤。
欧洲文艺复兴时期(Renaissance),寓言作为一种文学体裁(literary genre),也较为广泛地传播开来🐺🙂-_🥌,并不断有新作问世💮-——😞。发展到十七世纪🌘🐨——-*🎊,形成了一个高峰🐙_|🦠🌳,那就是法国著名寓言诗人拉封丹(La Fontaine) 的寓言诗🎮————🌕。他的作品多以讽刺虚荣者的愚昧为主题🎆🐆_🪶😽。十九世纪随着儿童文学的兴起🌒-💐🐝,寓言又一次得到发展🐿🐅_*,儿童文学作品中有不还有呢?
classical Chinese literature是什么意思??
2. Gardening literature is an important literary genre of classical Chinese literature.园记是中国古代文学体裁中的重要一支.3. As a sinologist , Stephen Owen is famous for his works on classical Chinese literature.宇文所安是以中国古典文学研究而闻名的汉学家.4. He was against Pianwen 到此结束了?🤤🐾|🙈。
literary film 文艺片🐬🃏--🦙*:文学艺术影片的简称🐘-🙉。文学性和艺术性并存🦃|-🌛,区别于商业电影*🤑-_🦗。musicals 音乐片🦋——🌵:音乐片是类型片的一种😨🍄_🌈🥈,指以音乐生活为题材或音乐在其中占有很大比重的影片🏈🦚-——🦒🏑。comedy 喜剧片😭🌕|_🦊:喜剧片指以笑激发观众爱憎的影片🃏🌎_*🌒。dracula movie 恐怖片🤭🥅_🐄:“恐怖片”是以制造恐怖为目的的一种影片😒🥉_|🐁🧐。
A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.The genre made up of such works.The art or theory of writing or 说完了🌻🦡-_🐷🐌。
Another tradition of Romani music is the genre of the Gypsy brass band, with such notable practitioners as Boban Marković of Serbia, and the brass lăutari groups Fanfare Ciocărlia and Fanfare din Cozmesti of Romania.The distinctive sound of Romani music has also strongly influenced bolero,后面会介绍✨🐪--🥈。